Formal Endorsements of the OpenStand Principles
View the Affirmation jointly signed by IEEE, IETF, IAB, Internet Society and W3C.
View the Affirmation jointly signed by IEEE, IETF, IAB, Internet Society and W3C.
“Our purpose in supporting the principles laid down in this document is to express our belief in the open global standards development process. We also believe in raising awareness in the complementary that we see with traditional international standards development approaches. As a path to international recognition and acceptance of standards, these principles are important elements to technology innovation, the fostering of local and global economic growth and development in general.”
– CEO, Adiel Akplogan
“We believe that the power of the Internet to foster innovation and growth is based in the cooperation among all their stakeholders. One of the pillars of this cooperation model is the the modern paradigm for global standards development that we support as the path of international recognition and acceptance. We are also committed to raise awareness in our region that the modern paradigm is complementary to traditional international standards development approaches.”
– CEO, Raúl Echeberría
“The RIPE NCC supports the Modern Paradigm for Global Standards Development and its principles as the basis upon which modern, inclusive standards development processes should be organised. An open, balanced and cooperative approach to identifying effective technological standards has been instrumental to facilitating the unprecedented growth and success of the Internet over the last 30 years, and is vital to fostering continued technological innovation, global economic growth and social welfare.”
– Managing Director, Axel Pawlik
“As a member of the Internet Society and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), and an active participant in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Afilias is pleased to see such broad adoption of the open standards model. Since its founding, Afilias has supported the principles now formalized at and is proud to confirm our endorsement.”
– EVP/CTO, Ram Mohan
“As a international industry trade association that relies on open standards for securing the Internet, the VPN Consortium strongly supports the Modern Paradigm for Standards. The five principles embodied by OpenStand were absolutely essential in creating the many open and interoperable security protocols that are a significant part of the products that the VPN Consortium’s members deliver to their customers.”
– Director, Paul Hoffman
“The Center for Democracy & Technology has long believed in the importance of open, bottom-up Internet standards processes in making the Internet an unrivaled platform for communication, commerce, and freedom. The OpenStand principles embody the values that we have seen demonstrated time and again through our participation in the IETF and the W3C. We welcome their formalization as a critical reinforcement of a paradigm that has been at the heart of the Internet’s success.”
– CEO, Leslie Harris
“We endorse the Modern Paradigm of Standards as an important and timely movement towards establishing open and cooperative global standards development principles. As an international standards setting organization dedicated to create, support, promote, and advance standards that benefit the worldwide electronics industry, Accellera Systems Initiative believes that an open process fosters and promotes technology innovation and benefits the global economy.”
– Chairman, Shishpal Rawat
“After having focused on Flash development for nearly 10 years because it was ubiquitous across nearly all platforms I have decided that adhering to the modern paradigm for web standards prescribed here is in the best interest of my clients. Flash is no longer ubiquitous, but that ubiquity in technology is still what is best for my clients as it increases their reach and safeguards their presence on the internet. We have to do this together. I can take my light bulb and place in any socket in the neighborhood and it will work. The internet needs to work with the same uniformity. Thanks for providing this venue to offer our support for such an internet.”
– Founder, John Glynn
“The principles ensure standard processes to be accessible for individuals, SMEs, and enterprises and allow for an innovative environment in which high quality interoperable protocols are being developed. The principles will help to enhance the open, secure, and innovative nature of the Internet for all.”
– Director, Olaf Kolkman
“As a newly formed company interested in computing and research and having an experience in the web development sector we see this to be a powerful way to provide more consistent and organised standards for the the internet and the web to become the platform for tomorrow.”
– Jahlom Agboado
“We support Open Standard principles because we believe that an open and free Internet, as well as the open standards and commitment to technical merit, brings not only interoperability between organizations but also foster innovation and benefit to humanity.”
– General Manager, Simon Phillips
“Congratulations on the launch and Joint Statement of Affirmation. We take great pride in promoting the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) guidelines as central to our work in user experience and web equality. On a daily basis, they provide a sound, best practice model to both reference and implement. So on behalf on everyone at User Testing Australia, we are proud to continue to support the open standards model and formally endorse the OpenStand Principles.”
– Co-founder, Cliff Edwards
“While only engineers and some policymakers around the world understand the standards process and its importance, they are quite simply at the core of the Internet as we know it. CCIA and IDEA are proud to support OpenStand.” (View link here)
“On March 9th, at the Open Future reception at SXSW, Adobe announced support for the OpenStand initiative. Our rationale for this was simple – OpenStand is good for the Web, good for users, and good for Adobe. It increases innovation, openness, and allows greater participation in evolving the Internet…” Click here to read more.
-Principal Scientist, Carl Cargill
“Open standards are the only reason the Internet works. ISC has supported, implemented, helped design, and argued for open standards for as long as we have existed. If it’s not open, it’s not a standard. There has not always been agreement as to whether something is or is not an open standard, and the five OpenStand fundamental principles remove that ambiguity. We are proud to have supported those principles since long before they were written down.”
– CEO, Jeff Osborn