Cisco is a corporation that has demonstrated early and unflagging support for OpenStand.

In November of 2012, Cisco’s Monique Morrow, CTO of the Services Platform Group, formally endorsed OpenStand at the ITU-T in Dubai.  Her endorsement and thoughts on OpenStand can be found here.  She also mentions her support of OpenStand in this video.


In March of 2013, Cisco also sponsored the IEEE & W3C Open Future Reception with Tim Berners-Lee at the 2013 SXSW Conference in Austin, Texas.  The event showcased OpenStand and opening remarks were provided by Cisco CTO, Padmasree Warrior.  Additional Pictures from this event can be found here and here.

Padmasree and Mohan Warrior

Padmasree and Mohan Warrior

More recently, in July, Cisco backed its commitment to open standards by providing support worth US $2 Million for in-person and remote, technology enabled meetings andto help enable broader participation in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).  The Internet Society (ISOC), which is the administrative home of the IETF, provides full details here. Both the IETF and the Internet Society have jointly affirmed the OpenStand Principles.

“Cisco’s commitment of more than US$2 million will provide support for both in-person meetings and remote participation technology to enable even broader participation in the IETF. “The IETF is focused on developing timely, relevant, and technically excellent open standards that provide a platform for the continued growth and evolution of the global Internet,” said Jari Arkko, Chair of the IETF. “Unique among standards organizations, the IETF invites all interested parties to participate, and makes every draft and final standards available online without charge. Cisco’s support will help to further expand participation in the IETF by encouraging involvement in meetings in-person and through collaboration technology built on IETF-developed standards.”

The OpenStand Community is grateful for the active support of organizations like Cisco, who encourage other corporations and industry organizations to Stand With Us.